Andrea Fuder appointed new member of Volvo’s Group Executive Board

Andrea Fuder has been appointed a new member of Volvo’s Group Executive Board and Executive Vice President Group Trucks Purchasing, Volvo Group’s global purchasing organization. Andrea Fuder has more than 20 years of experience from similar roles in the Volkswagen Group.
Andrea Fuder

Andrea Fuder, born in 1967 in Germany, has held a large number of senior positions at Volkswagen’s purchasing organization since 1992. She has comprehensive international experience after being stationed in countries including Germany, the UK, China and Sweden. She has served as Head of Purchasing at Volkswagen-owned Scania since 2012. The date on which Andrea Fuder will take up her new position is yet to be decided.

Journalists who would like additional information, please contact Kina Wileke on +46 (0)31 323 7229 or +46 (0)765 537229.


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