Ana Romero awarded Assar Gabrielsson Prize for cancer research thesis

Dr. Ana Romero has been awarded the Assar Gabrielsson Prize for an outstanding scientific treatise in cancer research, presented annually at Gothenburg University.
The prize of SEK 100,000 is to be presented today. Ana Romero works in the Infectious Diseases and Clinical Virology Department, Institute of Biomedicine, at Sahlgrenska Academy. She wins the prize for her thesis entitled “Immunoregulation by mononuclear phagocytes: mechanisms and clinical implications.”

The thesis addresses tumor immunology, which studies how the immune system’s effector cells recognize and eliminate [hostile] cells. The study focused on two types of white blood cells (lymphocytes) – natural killer (NK) cells and cytotoxic T-cells – that both recognize and effectively destroy several types of cancer-mutated cells. The aim of Ana Romero’s thesis is firstly to lay the foundation in preclinical studies for more effective immunotherapy for the treatment of cancer diseases, meaning treatment methods aimed at strengthening the body’s own defense against cancer cells, and secondly to evaluate the principles for immunotherapeutic treatment of cancer diseases in clinical studies. In her thesis, Ana Romero for the first time suggests a possible approach to treating recurrences of acute myeloid leukemia using pharmacological techniques.

In addition to this prize, the Assar Gabrielsson Foundation annually gives grants to young researchers working in the area of clinical research, particularly relating to cancer diseases. Assar Gabrielsson was one of Volvo’s founders.

May 14, 2007

For further information, please contact Professor Gösta Granström, executive member of the Assar Gabrielsson Foundation, tel. +46 31-342 12 76 or +46 703-80 61 20.


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