Conversion of Series A-shares to Series B-shares

In accordance with a resolution on the AB Volvo (publ) AGM on April 6, 2011, the Articles of Association were amended to include a conversion clause, stipulating that series A-shares may be converted into series B-shares, at the request of the individual shareholder.

Shareholders wishing to convert series A-shares into series B-shares shall fill in the request form “Conversion of Shares” and send it to the address stated on the request form. Legal entities shall, together with the request form, include a certified copy of the registration certificate or an equivalent certificate of authority. If the A-shares requested to be converted are registered on a custodian account, the request form shall also be signed by the custodian. AB Volvo will administer the received requests and report these to the Swedish Companies Registration Office for registration.

The conversion will be completed once the Swedish Companies Registration Office has registered the conversion, and Euroclear (the Central Securities Depository) has executed the conversion of series A-shares into series B-shares in AB Volvo’s share register. The turnaround time for completing the aforementioned conversion process may amount to 2 to 3 weeks, during which the shares will be locked in and thus cannot be disposed of on the stock exchange.

The request form “Conversion of Shares”

The request form “Conversion of Shares(PDF, 100KB)” is available for download just below, or can be obtained from:

AB Volvo (publ)
The Board of Directors
c/o Ulf Rapp, AA14200 Group Legal, VGHQ
SE-405 08 Göteborg


Please note that conversion requests must be made in writing by using the request form “Conversion of Shares”. 
Conversion requests made by fax, telephone, or e-mail cannot be accepted.

Request for Conversion of Shares

Download Format PDF Size 99 KB

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