Become a Volvo Group supply chain partner

The Volvo Group aims to develop its suppliers as partners. We do this by selecting high performing supply chain partner that deliver the best possible products and superior services that add real business value to the Volvo Group, on both a global and regional basis. 

To achieve this we constantly monitor markets and evaluate new potential suppliers to find the most competitive ones in terms of quality, delivery, cost and feature.

How to apply?

1. Read our supplier requirements

The Volvo Group has high expectations of its suppliers. We require responsible business principles as outlined in our Code of Conduct and based on our values where customer success is key. Quality is more than quality assurance as the supplier must take responsibility for the effect on the environment and also take a holistic view of material handling and information exchange. Our suppliers need to actively contribute to reducing environmental impact and deploy ethical standards throughout the supply chain.

Read the requirements

2. Fill in the Potential Supplier form

By filling out this form, you consent to that AB Volvo (publ) will register and save any personal data (name, e-mail address, phone number) that you insert into the form. The personal data is required in order for Volvo Group Purchasing to contact you regarding the “Potential Supplier Information Form”. AB Volvo (publ) will keep your personal data as long as required to evaluate information provided in the form and contact you, and no longer than is required for AB Volvo (publ) to fulfill the purposes for which the personal data was collected. AB Volvo (publ) is responsible for such personal data under the General Data Protection Regulation. If you have any question you can refer to Volvo privacy homepage where you will find privacy notice and contact information

The information that you send will be treated strictly confidential.

Apply here

3. The evaluation process

After you have read our requirements and filled out the “Potential Supplier Information Form”, the following process will take place:

  • If you pass the initial screening of potential suppliers, you will be contacted by Volvo Group Purchasing to further evaluate whether your company profile corresponds to Volvo Group requirements.
  • At this stage you may be required to participate in a Supplier Evaluation Model (SEM) to verify that your company complies with Volvo´s Key Element Procedures (KEP).
  • If successful, and provided we have a need for sourcing components or services that match your company capabilities, you may receive a Request for Quotation (RfQ).

Ready to become our new supplier?