CHESAPEAKE, Va., April 14, 2008 – Volvo Penta announced today that their sister company, Volvo Technology, will assist independent boat builders in the integration of 21st Century technology and ergonomics into boats utilizing Volvo Penta IPS propulsion.
“This cooperation ensures our independent boatbuilding partners, utilizing Volvo Penta IPS propulsion, are at the forefront of integrating automotive technology, ergonomics and efficiencies into their product development and manufacturing processes,” said Volvo Penta of the Americas President Clint Moore. “Volvo Technology provides a holistic view of the marriage of boat and propulsion, with an eye for opportunities in advancing Volvo’s core values which are Quality, Safety, and Care for the Environment.”
Volvo Technology is the center for innovation, research and development supporting the Volvo Group. Customers include all Volvo Group companies and Volvo Cars as well as selected suppliers.
“For the first time ever, cutting-edge automotive expertise is made available to support boat-builders as Volvo Technology is now able to provide professional services to Volvo Penta’s customers. We believe that the boat industry has a lot to gain from our extensive experience in designing safe and efficient driver environments with knowledge gleaned from the automotive industry," said Moore.
The mission of the company is to develop leadership in existing and future technologies which are of high importance to Volvo, by focusing on both hard and soft projects within a system approach framework. The division participates successfully in national and international research programs involving universities, research institutes, and other companies.
Volvo Technology is located at Lundbystrand and Chalmers Science Park in Göteborg and at Volvo locations in Lyon, France and Greensboro, USA.