Jörgen Elgqvist receives Assar Gabrielsson Award for thesis on radiation therapy

Today, April 29, 2009, Doctor of Medicine Jörgen Elgqvist was named the recipient of the Assar Gabrielsson Award for his thesis within cancer research at Gothenburg University. The award is SEK 50,000 with a possibility to receive a research grant of SEK 100,000 during the autumn of 2009.
Jörgen Elgqvist is active in the Department of Oncology at the Sahlgrenska Academy in Gothenburg. He receives the award for his thesis Astatine-211 Radioimmunotherapy of Ovarian Cancer - Therapeutic Efficacy, Myelotoxicity, and Radiation Dosimetry in an Animal Model.

Most fatal cases of cancer are due to the primary tumor already giving rise to widespread small tumors called micrometastases prior to diagnosis. In his thesis work, Jörgen Elgqvist studied radioimmunotherapy directed at very small tumors in ovarian cancer. Radioimmunotherapy is a new radiation treatment method in which a tumor-targeting antibody is linked to a radioactive substance.

The thesis studies are unique primarily due to the Astatine 211 radionuclide employed. Astatine 211 with its short radiation range and high energy level has several benefits in the treatment of microscopic tumors. Jörgen Elgqvist’s studies have provided the foundation for the continued clinical studies now being conducted.

Assar Gabrielsson was one of Volvo’s founders. In accordance with his wishes, a fund was established for clinical cancer research.


For further information, please contact Professor Gösta Granström, Executive Director of the Assar Gabrielsson Fund, tel: +46 31 342 1276 or +46 703 80 61 20.


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