Volvo Group wins prize for successful improvement of business processes

Implementing a common system for administration worldwide is not an easy task. But the Volvo Group is being awarded for it’s capacity to explain and implement the administrative system SAP R/3 Master Finance globally, using the modelling tool ARIS.
The award is distributed by IDS Scheer, the supplier behind ARIS. In competition with 7500 companies, the Volvo Group won the category “Process-driven SAP Management”, on the grounds that Volvo successfully deploys ARIS for effective implementation of SAP roll-out projects worldwide. Volvo is being rewarded for the road map used to streamline the implementation of SAP R/3 Master Finance over the world, as well as for how the SAP system is explained and described. 

– When we roll out our SAP solution, we need a platform for all the documentation on how the system works and should be used. Many companies are far away from The Volvo Group’s center and need to learn our accounting processes, and ARIS is the tool we use to gather and present the information, says Helen Kylstad, Head of Global co-ordinator Finance. 

SAP R/3 Master Finance is currently used in around 130 companies within the Volvo Group, and the goal is that the system should be used everywhere. For each roll-out project in which SAP R/3 Master Finance in being implemented, Volvo expects to make cost savings of 30 percent.