Invitation to press conference on green commuting

Volvo IT hereby invites the mass media to a press conference on Wednesday, May 27, to present the results of the “Green Commuting” project. The objective of the project, which was implemented in cooperation with the City of Göteborg, was to measure time, efficiency and environmental impact relating to commuting. A group of employees within the Volvo Group in Gothenburg participated in the project. With the help of a device fitted to their mobile phones, they were successful in changing their modes of commuting to and from work and considerably reduced their CO2 emissions.

Date:         May 27
Time:        12:15 p.m.
Location:   The Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre, Gothenburg, Logistik & Transport
                 Volvo, Display C03:42

The press conference will be attended by the City of Göteborg’s Traffic Director, Lars-Bertil Ekman, and by Niklas Gustavsson, Vice President, Environmental and Public Affairs at AB Volvo, as well as Project Manager Kerstin Hanson from Volvo IT. You will also have an opportunity to meet two project participants who will share their experiences with you.


May 25, 2009

For registration and further information, please contact Jan Strandhede, +46 (0)31-323 37 15.
