“Based on Denbratt’s highly substantial significance to the development of eco-friendly transportation, which has also been of particular benefit to the Swedish automotive industry, I believe that Ingemar Denbratt is a highly deserving and appropriate recipient of the Håkan Frisinger scholarship for 2012,” says Per Lövsund, Professor of Vehicle Safety and Head of Department of Applied Mechanics at the Chalmers University of Technology in his nomination.
Denbratt has been a driving force in the creation and scientific development of the national competency center in combustion-engine technology at Chalmers, CERC. The cutting-edge laboratories in combustion-engine technology developed by Denbratt have promoted cooperation with international scientists and the industry. In order to satisfy future demands for the development of eco-friendly drivelines, widespread initiatives are implemented in close dialog with the automotive industry, with a particular focus on hybrid solutions. The laboratories are of high strategic significance for both the automotive industry and Swedish sub-contractors.
The scholarship will be presented by the Håkan Frisinger Foundation at a seminar on April 4 at the Chalmerska Huset. For more information and registration, please contact Ulf Andersson, ulf.p.andersson@chalmers.se, tel: +46 (0)736–545402.
Volvo Research and Educational Foundations
Photo from Volvo’s image gallery
January 9, 2013
Journalists who would like further information, please contact Ulf Andersson, Chalmers, ulf.p.andersson@chalmers.se, tel +46 736–545402 or Oliver Lindqvist, Member of the Scientific Council at VREF, oliver@chalmers.se, tel +46 708-78 93 54.
Håkan Frisinger was CEO of Volvo in 1983–1987 and Chairman of the Board in 1997-1999. Nomination of recipients of the Frisinger scholarship is conducted by the Chalmers University of Technology and Volvo Research and Educational Foundations (VREF). The decision about the scholarship is made by the Board of VREF.