Featuring Rajini Karanam, Group Manager, Volvo Group Trucks Technology
To be truly satisfied with the life one leads, one must be satisfied with the work one does. Rajini Karanam would vouch for it. She discovered true work satisfaction only after she joined Volvo Group. “There was no desire to push harder, no interest to grow and further my career. But once I joined Volvo, everything changed for me!”
Initially, Rajini was taken aback by the unique and warm culture at Volvo Group. The work culture she experienced at Volvo was so different from her earlier experience. “For the first time in my career, I came upon active collaboration, understanding, patient hearing, and above all, respect from seniors and colleagues at the workplace. I am very happy and engaged with what work I do at Volvo. Additionally, I was fortunate to have been connected with wonderful mentors who were always there to guide me”.
Today, Rajini is ESS Group Manager at Volvo Group Trucks Technology. “I am constantly looking for ways to get things done faster and better. The motivation and energy I get from work, I carry back to my home and family. Now, that’s the magic of working for Volvo!” A proud mother of two grown-up kids, Rajini hails from Andhra Pradesh. “ I am proud of my children’s academic performance and the confidence with which they see life. I am also inspired to see my daughter's choice to choose Metallurgy & Material science due to her passion towards Chemistry, which is not common among girls.”
We are so pleased to note both, mother and daughter, inspiring each other.
Good Job, Mom!