Financial Event
Capital Markets Day 2017
At the Volvo Group’s Capital Markets Day on May 23, 2017 in Eskilstuna, Sweden, President and CEO Martin Lundstedt together with other members of the Group Executive Board presented the strategy being implemented to increase the Group’s profitability through a business cycle. Among the measures are to move decision-making and responsibility closer to customers and to focus on growing the service business.
The presentations covered three main topics: Improving performance, Growing services and Leading in technology. During the Capital Markets Day, Volvo Construction Equipment’s Electric Site project with autonomous, electric-battery load carriers and the Volvo FMX self-driving truck that is currently being tested in operation in Boliden’s Kristineberg mine were demonstrated.
For further information, please contact Anna Sikström, Investor Relations +46 (0)73 9029036.
Volvo Group Capital Markets Day 2017 File name VolvoGroup_CapitalMarketDay_2017.pdf Format PDF Size 7 MB