Action Service – unique service for Volvo Penta’s customers

Volvo Penta Action Service is a unique service for all Volvo Penta engine owners. No other service in the industry offers around the clock availability, 365 days per year. And interest among customers is ever increasing.
Since 1997, Volvo Penta owners have been able to take advantage of a unique assistance program called Volvo Penta Action Service, which is available throughout Europe (except Russia). The service is now available also for Volvo Penta customers in North America.

Customers can reach Volvo Penta Action Service by telephone anytime of the day, year-round, to obtain help and assistance. The task of the service operator is to ascertain what type of problem has arisen, ensure ongoing contact with the customer and suggest a solution to the problem.

“We have introduced a small plastic card with information about Volvo Penta Action Service, which includes telephone numbers, and we have noted a steady increase in the volume of inquiries about the card. We have also introduced campaigns in a number of countries to further disseminate information about this service among our customers,” says Håkan Sirén, who heads Market Support Europe for Volvo Penta.

Simpler defects
The underlying concept behind Volvo Penta Action Service is very simple. It aims to provide rapid service when customers are in greatest need. And for Volvo Penta’s customers, it requires no more than a simple phone call.

Although many of the incoming inquiries can be solved at once via telephone by technically competent personnel at the service center, it is sometimes the case that on-site assistance is required, when a repair must be performed onboard the boat.

The operator then contacts the closest Volvo Penta dealer, and agreement is then reached that the repair shall be made or that the needed spare shall be delivered directly to the customer.

“The great majority of calls received deal with simpler defects and technical questions concerning the engines. These are problems with which the technical team in Ghent, Belgium can assist the customer via telephone. The number of breakdowns has been at a low level since Volvo Penta Action Service was introduced, but when breakdowns occur, it is most frequently a matter of providing the customer with various types of spare parts, for example, propellers,” says Håkan Sirén.

Three countries dominate
The statistics indicate that Volvo Penta’s customers from the UK, the Netherlands and Germany, more than other customers, appear to have discovered the advantages associated with Volvo Penta Action Service. An overwhelming majority of all calls are from customers in the UK, the Netherlands or Germany. But most frequently, the call does not originate from their home waters. Englishmen and Germans at least seem to have nothing against traveling long distances in their boats. Statistics in fact indicate that a majority of phone calls to Volvo Penta Action Service originate from France, Spain and the Netherlands, three popular European destinations for boat owners.

Rapid spare parts deliveries
Volvo Penta has dealers throughout Europe and North America, with each dealer maintaining a stock of common spare parts. However, in certain cases, the customer requires an unusual spare part not available from the local warehouse. In such cases, the operator at Volvo Penta Action Service can utilize Volvo Penta’s advanced logistics system to quickly determine from where the spare in question can be obtained, and to arrange rapid delivery of the item to the customer. It is important both for the person who uses the engine professionally and, not least, for leisure-time skippers, who want maximum satisfaction from their boats during vacation.

For additional information, please contact:
Ann-Charlotte Emegård, AB Volvo Penta
Tel: +46 31-668 418