Furthermore, the advanced electronics provide improved engine protection by monitoring piston cooling and crankcase pressure.
EMS 2 also enables machine manufacturers to integrate all electronics into one unified system.
Ready for quick and secure installation
For stationary applications, the engine can be delivered in the Powerpac configuration, complete with frame and mounted radiator.
For generator use, the engine can be delivered complete with radiator, mounted on a special wooden transport frame. This minimizes the risk of damage during transit or missing pieces. For manufacturers, this solution results in easier handling during assembly of generator sets.
Yet another alternative is the so-called Genpac design, in which the engine is delivered as a complete unit, mounted on a pullout steel frame, upon which the generator and other components are mounted.
Concept similarities hold many advantages
Like Volvo Penta’s 9 and 12-liter engines, the new 16-liter engine is a straight 6. There are several advantages to that construction over a V8 engine. Fewer components, improved cooling ability, as well as a larger crank and crankshaft bearing space are a few examples.
The fact that Volvo Penta’s 9, 12 and 16-liter engines have many technical similarities means that service and maintenance is performed in virtually the same manner, regardless of engine model. Moreover, they share several filters and spare parts in common, which will aid in easy accessibility and simplified inventory management of parts.
Fast and simple engine diagnosis using VODIA
The new 16-liter engine can – like all of Volvo Penta’s electronically controlled engines – be connected to VODIA. VODIA is an easy-to-use service tool for testing, troubleshooting and diagnosis, and it fits in a pocket. VODIA can also be used to adjust numerous parameters within the engine.
Spare parts, service and expertise are always close at hand
Volvo Penta’s network of retailers and service technicians cover more than 100 countries. Thanks to an efficient distribution system, spare parts can be delivered on short notice.
Volvo Penta is part of the Volvo Group, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of heavy diesel engines. Volvo’s engines are renowned for their high-tech performance, unsurpassed reliability and good environmental characteristics.
Technical data
Engine designation: ..............TAD1640GE.............. TAD1641GE.............. TAD1642GE
Electrical power 1500 rpm:...506 kVA.....................556 kVA.................... 627 kVA
Electrical power 1800 rpm:.. 450 kWe.................... 513 kWe.................... 550 kWe
Configuration: Straight 6-cylinder diesel engines, turbo with air-to-air charge-air cooler
Displacement: 16.12 l
Weight: 1480 kg (Dry weight)
Engine monitoring system: EMS 2
Exhaust emissions: Fulfills TA air and EPA stage 2
Engine designation:...................TAD1641VE......................................TAD1642VE
Crankshaft power:...................405 kW at1,800 rpm (551hp)............479 kW at1,800 rpm (651hp)
Maximum torque movement:.....2,706 Nm at1,200 rpm...................... 3,150 Nm at1,200 rpm
Configuration:Straight 6-cylinder diesel engines, turbo with air-to-air charge-air cooler
Displacement: 16.12 l
Weight:1440 kg (Dry weight)
Engine monitoring system: EMS 2
Exhaust emissions: Fulfills TA air and EPA stage 2
For more information, please contact: Ann-Charlotte Emegård, AB Volvo Penta,
Phone: +46 31 66 84 18, Email: ann-charlotte.emegard@volvo.com