Volvo Penta IPS receives award in US

Volvo Penta’s new drive system for boats, Volvo Penta IPS, has been recognized with the Best of the Year Award by the American boating magazine Motor Boating.
During the winter and spring of 2005, Volvo Penta is launching its new drive system based on pulling propellers and steerable drive units.

The Volvo Penta IPS (Inboard Performance System), which replaces traditional shaft installations for boats in the 35 to 50 foot range, has been highly well received.

In conjunction with the boat show currently under way in Miami, Florida, the IPS innovation was honored with the Best of the Year Award by the American boating magazine Motor Boating.

“What could be the most revolutionary package since the stern drive will definitely alter boat design and the way we go boating in the future,” cited the magazine in its award to Volvo Penta.

The stern drive, which is a combination of inboard and outboard engines, was launched by Volvo Penta at the end of the 1950s.

February 18, 2005

For further information, please contact Ann-Charlotte Emegård, AB Volvo Penta, phone:
+46 31 66 84 18, E-mail:


Volvo Penta IPS får utmärkelse i USA

Volvo Penta IPS har tilldelats utmärkelsen Best of the Year Award av den amerikanska båttidningen Motor Boating.

Under vintern och våren 2005 lanseras det nya drivsystemet för båtar – Volvo Penta IPS, Inboard Performance System - som bygger på bland annat dragande propellrar och styrbara drivenheter.

Volvo Penta IPS, som ersätter traditionella axelinstallationer i båtar i storleksklasserna 35 till 50 fot, har fått ett mycket starkt mottagande på marknaden.

Och i samband med den pågående internationella båtmässan i Miami, USA belönades IPS-systemet med utmärkelsen Best of the Year Award av den amerikanska båttidningen Motor Boating.

”Båtdesign och framtida båtliv kommer att förändras av vad som kan vara det mest revolutionerande drivsystemet sedan Aquamaticdrevet”, skriver tidningen i sin motivering.
Aquamaticdrevet, som kombinerade inombordsmotorn och utombordsmotorn, lanserades av Volvo Penta i slutet av 1950-talet.


För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta Ann-Charlotte Emegård, AB Volvo Penta,
tel: 031-66 84 18, E-mail: