Volvo Penta Test Center Recognized with “Clean Marina” Certification

Volvo Penta’s Marine Engine Test Center located in Suffolk, Virginia is one of only 30 marinas to achieve recognition under the state’s “Clean Marina Program.”
There are an estimated 1,000 marinas in Virginia that have been invited to become certified under the program – a voluntary initiative promoted by the State to encourage marina operators to protect coastal water quality by engaging in environmentally sound operating and maintenance procedures.

In the fall of 2003, Hurricane Isabel severely damaged the center requiring total reconstruction of the boat landing-stages, boat dry rack storage, and major repairs to other buildings and support functions.  Bob Crocker, Test Center Manager, an advocate of environmental care, ensured that the marina was rebuilt from an aesthetic perspective with a clear commitment to protecting and preserving nature.

While rebuilding and updating the facility, Crocker oversaw the installation of equipment for waste handling and disposal, including hazardous waste management.  The center also increased their emergency response preparedness through training and institution of procedures to prevent oil and fuel spills, while utilizing new oil and fuel spill combat equipment.  In coordination with fuel station control measures, there are over 120 meters of oil spill boom on the premises. 

To achieve the Virginia Clean Marina designation a minimum score on a self-assessment of nine subject areas including marina design, emergency preparedness, petroleum control, sewage and gray water handling, vessel maintenance, and boater education must be passed.  Finally, a formal site visit is carried out by the Marina Technical and Environmental Advisory Committee to confirm the assessment scores and make recommendation for certification. 

"The pollution control practices and safety initiatives that Bob and his employees implemented at our test facility are testament of our commitment to the company’s core values of safety, quality, and care for the environment”, said Clint Moore, President and CEO. “I am proud of their efforts and honored to be welcomed into such a prestigious fraternity of environmentally and educationally sound marina operations."

The Virginia Clean Marina Program is a collaborative venture between the Virginia Coastal Program network of agencies (Department of Environmental Quality, Department of Conservation and Recreation, Department of Health, Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, Marine Resources Commission and Chesapeake Bay Local Assistance Department) and the Virginia Sea Grant Program at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, as well as Virginia's marine trade industry, marina associations, recreational boaters and charter marinas.    

 For more information, please contact Ben Landis, Volvo Penta of the Americas, 757-436-5120 or