Volvo Group Changes NASDAQ Ticker Symbol

As of market open on May 10, 2006, the Volvo Group American Depositary Receipt will trade on the NASDAQ under the new trading symbol "VOLV".
In 2005 NASDAQ lifted the requirement that companies listing an ADR on the exchange must carry a "Y" at the end of their trading symbol. The NASDAQ has decided that by January 2007, they will make the formal switch to a platform that handles symbols with up to four letters. They have stated that this action is being taken to "enhance the resiliency of the U.S. capital markets by enabling NASDAQ to provide full disaster recovery capabilities for all NYSE- and AMEX-listed securities."

Volvo has been listed on the NASDAQ for over 21 years. During that time we have traded over 600 million shares.

May 10, 2006

For further information please contact: Media Relations: Mårten Wikforss, +46 31 66 11 27
Investor Relations: Christer Johansson, +46 31 66 13 34


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