Volvo and Vattenfall to cooperate on carbon-dioxide-free electricity

The Volvo Group and Vattenfall have concluded a cooperation agreement concerning sustainable energy deliveries. The agreement includes the delivery of Vattenel, a product covered by an Environmental Product Declaration, and trading in emission rights.
Through Vattenel, Volvo will receive carbon-dioxide-free electricity supplies and will also be provided with a complete report of its exact environmental impact from beginning to end. The calculations will be based on data from lifecycle analyses. In a lifecycle analysis, all resource consumption and all emissions from a product’s entire lifecycle are registered.

“The automotive industry has a particular responsibility for the management of its carbon-dioxide emissions,” says Volvo’s President and Chief Executive Officer Leif Johansson. “In the engine area, we are continuously developing increasingly energy efficient engines that generate reduced carbon-dioxide emissions, but we can do more and we are therefore now focusing on a cooperation concerning sustainable energy deliveries.”

Since the 1970s, the Volvo Group has had environmental consideration as one of its core values and its overall objectives include increasing the share of the CO2-neutral energy that it uses, reducing energy consumption by 50% per manufactured unit and not using coal or oil for heating.

August 28, 2007

Journalists who would like further information, please contact Mårten Wikforss, +46-31-66 11 27 or +46-705-59 11 49


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