Volvo Group ranked Sweden’s most attractive employer among engineering graduates

The Volvo Group has been chosen as Sweden’s most attractive employers by the country’s young engineers, according to Universum’s annual Career Barometer survey. Strong corporate culture and international career possibilities are factors differentiating the Volvo Group from other companies and which contribute to the Group’s top ranking.
Volvokoncernen Sveriges mest attraktiva arbetsgivare bland teknologer
Each year the Universum company conducts the Career Barometer survey in which it has young professionals rank Sweden’s employers. Those who respond are up to 40 years of age and have one to eight years of work experience after completing university studies. In the 2007 Career Barometer, the Volvo Group takes a stride upward and is ranked by the country’s engineers as Sweden’s most attractive employer.

“We are not only Sweden’s largest employer but also a large global player with nearly 100,000 employees worldwide. The competition for well-educated employees is becoming increasingly intense and the effort to be an attractive employer is an important issue for us in Sweden as well as in the rest of the world,” says Stefan Johnsson, member of Volvo’s Group Executive Committee whose responsibilities included personnel matters. “Accordingly, we work full time with various programs and measures and this recognition confirms that we are moving in the right direction.”

A total of slightly more than 14,000 persons participated in the survey, including nearly 5,500 engineers. Factors that the respondents highlighted as reasons for selecting the Volvo Group included confidence-inspiring management, strong ethics and high morals, strong corporate culture and financial strength.

“Another aspect that makes the Volvo Group attractive is the possibility of an international career. In addition, I believe that the Group’s trainee program, which has grown increasingly popular and in great demand, contributes to the Group topping the list,” says Martin Strömqvist at Universum.

Already during the 1980s, the Volvo Group began working with various forms of trainee programs. In recent years, there has been a Group-wide program in Sweden and in 2008 it is being expanded to also apply globally.

“The trainee program is a way for us to create a solid platform on which to base our recruiting efforts. At the same time, participants gain a unique insight into the Group and a good feel for how we work within the Volvo Group. Interest for the program is extremely high, internally and externally,” says Stefan Johnsson.

Since the Career Barometer survey was first carried out in 2001, the Volvo Group has placed high each year on the engineers’ list. However, this year is the first for the Group to top the list. 

October 26, 2007

For reporters who want more information, please contact Mårten Wikforss, +46 31 66 11 27.
