First CO2-free plant in the world

Volvo Group’s truck plant in Ghent is the first in the world with carbon-dioxide-free production. The official opening took place today. The project that has focused on reviewing the use of energy has been in progress since 2005.
First plant without carbon-dioxide emissions
Marc Seghers, project manager at the Ghent Plant, is both delighted and proud.

“Something we thought was almost impossible has now become a reality. All three plants within Volvo Europa Truck have been working hard on their energy-saving programmes. It goes without saying that we are delighted to be the first to become carbon neutral, but the most important thing is that the Volvo Group is now showing the world that we take our core value of environmental concern seriously. We can’t deny that we bear part of the responsibility when it comes to carbon-dioxide emissions. What we can now demonstrate, however, is that we have succeeded in doing something about it,” he says.

The 30-year-old plant has undergone large-scale refurbishment. Windows have been installed in the roof to increase the natural light. In addition, the floors and walls have been painted in lighter colours. This reduces the need for lighting and the electric lights can be turned off completely during the day.

Three wind turbines have been erected on the site. They produce half the electricity the plant requires. The remainder is supplied in the form of certified “green” electricity by the Belgian energy company Electrable.

A number of Belgian ministers, local politicians from the area and EU representatives attended the opening ceremony. In October, a family day will be organised for all the employees and their families.


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