The top 20 sites are presented in the “Web Globalization Report Card”, a report released annually by Byte Level Research that specializes in benchmarking of global web sites across all industries. In the 2008 version of the report card, Internet presences of 225 global brands/companies within 21 different industry segments are analyzed from a globalization perspective i e the brand/company is global but is their Internet sites?
In this years report, the Volvo brand has been analyzed based on the joint Internet presence of Volvo Group and Volvo Cars. The number 4 score on the top 20 list covers all 225 brands/companies analyzed across the 21 industry segments while Volvo is ranked number 1 in the specific segment “automotive”.
Byte Level Research states in the report that “Volvo demonstrates a number of best practises from global navigation to global consistency”. One example is the brand consistency across Volvo-branded business areas within Volvo Group, another the close alignment between Volvo Group and Volvo Cars - yet being two separate companies - with regard to look n’ feel and logotype placement. The recently upgraded approach on is referred to as best practise being a “truly impressive element of brand consistency”.
Read more about the report at
Volvo Group on the Internet
Volvo on the Internet