Future technology at the Volvo Group Tech Show

For the first time, the Volvo Group opens the doors to a select group of guests to give a glimpse into the broad innovative research the engineers are carrying out behind the scenes. The unique event is the Volvo Group Tech Show in Gothenburg, where the Volvo Group showcases some of the latest research into commercial vehicle technology.
Future technology at the Volvo Group Tech Show
How will the Volvo Group minimize the impact of transportation on the environment and help mitigate climate change? What improvements can customers expect in transportation safety and security? What innovative solutions does Volvo have to improve transport effectiveness and uptime? Volvo shares the answers to these questions and more at the Volvo Group Tech Show 2008. The show, with the theme Energy for Change, focuses on exciting new solutions in three areas: Environment & Fuel Economy, Safety & Security, and Effective Transports & Uptime.

Exhibits feature demonstrations, prototypes and information on everything from how Volvo aims to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to innovations that make vehicles safer and more secure. Examples of new and potential products include a hybrid bus that could cut fuel consumption by up to 30 percent, a new technology for generating electricity by integrating the engine and the generator with 60% fuel savings and new technology that tightens vehicle security.

Technology and technical innovations are at the heart of what Volvo does, says Leif Johansson, CEO of the Volvo Group. “When we put our know-how in the service of our customers, we are helping build societies and create prosperity. Our Tech Show will demonstrate what the Volvo Group does and is capable of,” he says. 

Experts from all companies conducting technical research and development within the Volvo Group are on hand to answer questions and demonstrate technology in each of the three focus areas.

“The Tech Show gives Volvo Group the opportunity to show what we are working on and what the future of transportation technology could bring 10 to 15 years down the line,” Johansson says. 

The Volvo Group is one of the biggest and most successful groups in the field of commercial vehicle research and development. But innovative technology cannot just be ordered on demand, Johansson says. “It is the result of fostering the right environment and conditions that allow Volvo engineers to use their innate curiosity, ingenuity and energy to find solutions for some of society’s most pressing challenges,” he says.  

Volvo never loses sight of the connection between research and meeting the needs and demands of customers and society, Johansson adds. “The products and services we supply contribute because they make the transportation of goods and people more efficient and environmentally sound,” he says. “For competitive reasons, we cannot show everything we are focusing on, but we are proud to share some of the ways in which our research continues to help Volvo develop solutions for the future.”
