Volvo innovator in focus of attention

Kerstin Hanson, business innovation manager at Volvo IT, was interviewed in the Fast Company magazine about the CO2 pedometer that has helped Volvo employees reduce their carbon dioxide emissions by 30 percent.

The highly respected Fast Company magazine reports on companies that are at the leading edge when it comes to innovations and technology. In the September issue, Fast Company writes about various innovators who want to help urban dwellers choose transport methods other than the car. Included in this group is Volvo IT’s Kerstin Hanson, who has developed a prototype personal CO2 pedometer for mobile phones. It allows users to measure the carbon dioxide emissions of the transport alternatives they choose. Hanson’s test group, which consisted of Volvo employees, used the pedometer and succeeded in cutting carbon dioxide emissions from the commute to and from work by 30 percent.

“Many people competed with their colleagues to see who could reduce their carbon dioxide emissions the most. The pedometer allows us to use the carrot instead of the whip to persuade people to change their patterns of behaviour,” says Kerstin Hanson to Fast Company.

Read previous press release on the CO2 pedometer.

 "CO2 pedometer" Lower Volvo Group Employees' Emissions, Fast Company Magazine