Swedish family drama demonstrates the Volvo Group’s intelligent transport systems

Woody Allen, Ingmar Bergman and … Volvo. For the first time ever, the Volvo Group is using theatre centring on human drama to spread the word about intelligent transport systems. The Volvo shows are being staged during the ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) congress in Stockholm between 21 and 25 September.

Every day, a married couple drive their car on the commute to work in town. Suddenly one morning, they are faced with an unwelcome problem: the tunnel they usually take is flooded and has been closed to traffic. The atmosphere in the car soon becomes irritable – what to do now?

This scenario is one of the short stage shows put on at the ITS congress with the aim of demonstrating, in an engaging and easy to understand way, the positive effects of ITS in the areas of road safety, transport security, efficient transport and environmental care. The stage shows also provide insight into how ITS can influence people’s lives in the future.

The solution for the commuting couple in the car comes in the form of intelligent transport systems that coordinate vehicle with infrastructure.

“The challenge was to find human stories in the midst of all the technology and to highlight interesting roles that carry the story forward,” says stage director Carl Sundemo, who normally makes TV and film commercials.

Of the five scenarios that will be staged in the demo theatre, the Volvo Group has organised three together with Lindholmen Science Park, Vinnova, the Swedish Road Administration, Green Cargo and Chalmers/Viktoria Institute, among others, putting the focus on integrated traffic and transport systems and their role in safe, secure and sustainable transport solutions.

In the “Secure Transports” scenario, the public will be able to follow the transport of dangerous cargo where, among other things, the time aspect is of particular importance. “Safe and Sustainable Transport Solutions” demonstrates the various challenges a cargo may face before reaching its destination.

“We chose theatre as a medium because we have noted that theatre involves the audience much more than a PowerPoint presentation does. What is more, the technology is easy to understand and identify with. The actors were immensely dedicated and skilled, so these will be proper theatre shows in mini-format,” says Annika Strömdahl, project manager from Lindholmen Science Park.

ITS is high on the agenda for the Volvo Group, not least since the European Parliament and the Swedish government decided to create a strategy and a plan of action for using ITS in the transport system with the aim of increasing traffic safety and reducing environmental impact. The Volvo Group has for many years been extremely active in various international ITS research programmes both in Europe and the USA.

The Volvo Group will demonstrate a range of different solutions on the theme of efficient and safer, more secure transport at the ITS congress. Among the ideas on display are various types of active safety system for drivers and cargoes as well as secure and efficient new transport solutions for goods.

ITS is arranged every year by ERTICO, ITS America and ITS Japan and its venue rotates every year between Europe, America and Asia. The Volvo Group has participated at every ITS congress since its inception and is one of the main sponsors this year.

For more information about the Volvo Group’s work within ITS, see VolvoGroup.com/rt.

September 21, 2009

Journalists wishing for further information are requested to contact
Mats Rosenquist, Volvo Group Coordinator at the ITS Congress, Volvo Technology, tel +46 31-322 39 80, mats.rosenquist@volvo.com
Annika Strömdahl, Demo Theater Project Manager, tel +46-31 322 69 30, annika.stromdahl@volvo.com
Kina Wileke, Press Contact, AB Volvo, tel +46 31-66 12 32, kina.wileke@volvo.com


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