Moving the world

Around the world, round the clock, the Volvo Group’s products are busy keeping society running smoothly. Remove the Volvo Group’s products and society will stop running.

• One in seven meals eaten in Europe reaches the consumers thanks to the 800 000 trucks from the Volvo Group rolling the streets of the continent.

• If all the Volvo buses in the world started at the same time, they would be able to transport more than 10 million people.

• Every day, 300,000 construction machines from the Volvo Group work on constructing roads and buildings and on helping to run mines, forestry operations and farms.

• Throughout the world there are more than 200,000 industrial engines from Volvo Penta, helping among other things to ensure power supply for hospitals, airports and irrigation systems.

• Every year, 2 billion people fly all over the planet. In 2009, Volvo Aero supplied components to more than 90 percent of all the world’s large civilian aircraft engines.

• With the 2 million tonnes of refuse that Mack Trucks refuse vehicles transport every week in the USA, it would be possible to build a column of filled refuse bins reaching all the way to the moon.

• 80 percent of all the snow that falls on Japan’s roads is ploughed away using vehicles from UD Trucks.

Around the world, round the clock, the Volvo Group’s products are busy keeping society running smoothly. Remove the Volvo Group’s products and society will stop running.
Want to know more? Go to Moving the world

During the course of the year, we will publish a series of articles showing how our products play an important role and make a major difference wherever they are used.
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For more information, please contact;
Mårten Wikforss, press contact, Volvo Group,
Telephone +46 (0)31-66 11 27