Commute Greener ranked by the Guardian

The UK newspaper the Guardian’s “Green Living Blog” has rated the top 10 green iPhone applications. Volvo’s application to motivate individuals to lower their CO2 emissions, Commute Greener, was ranked as no. 4.

Commute Greener is a mobile-based application, developed by Volvo IT with an external partner, which transforms your cell phone into a personal carbon dioxide counter. The application provides an easy way to measure the carbon dioxide emissions generated during your everyday commute. Whether you are commuting by bus, car, train or bicycle or other means of transportation, Commute Greener allows you to take active steps to reduce your CO2 footprint - with just a few clicks.

The Guardian’s “Green Living Blog” has ranked the best iPhone and iPod Touch applications with a green theme. As the only company within the heavy transport industry, Volvo’s Commute Greener application is ranked number 4.

The Guardian's "Green Living Blog"

Take on the Commute Greener challenge

Commute Greener on the iPhone App store