Volvo Trucks enters frame agreement with Deutsche Post DHL for delivery of 1,800 trucks

Volvo Trucks has been selected as a preferred supplier to global logistics company Deutsche Post DHL. The companies have entered a frame agreement, which potentially includes the delivery of 1,800 trucks for the coming two years.

Volvo Trucks will be the preferred supplier of heavy trucks to Deutsche Post DHL for its fleets in Sweden, Finland and the United Kingdom, primarily covering operations offering Express, Freight and Supply Chain services. If requested, the frame agreement can further be extended to other European countries, primarily Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg and Germany.

“We are proud to be a preferred supplier to Deutsche Post DHL,” says Staffan Jufors, President and CEO of Volvo Trucks. “We share the same focus on sustainable growth. We aim to increase our cooperation, especially regarding environmental issues, to find common ways to tackle the challenges that the transport industry is facing.”

 “Modernising our fleet is an important part of our GoGreen climate protection program. The purchase of the new vehicles will further support us in our efforts to act in an environmentally responsible way, says Hugo Eckseler, Chief Procurement Officer at Deutsche Post DHL.

Environmental focus
As the world's leading logistics provider, Deutsche Post DHL takes its responsibilities towards the environment very seriously. In 2008, the company launched its GoGreen climate protection program which aims to reduce CO2 emissions for every letter and parcel sent, every tonne of cargo transported and for every square meter of warehouse space used by 30 percent by 2020. To help reduce those emissions, Deutsche Post DHL will gradually replace its air and ground fleets, work on projects for alternative vehicles and train its drivers in fuel-efficient driving.

Volvo Trucks aims to take the lead in achieving CO2-neutral transports and reducing dependence from fossil fuels. In 2007, the company showed that it has the engine technologies for alternative fuels by demonstrating seven drivable trucks each tailored to run on a renewable fuel. In 2010 field tests with selected renewable fuels will begin. Volvo Trucks has further developed a unique parallel hybrid solution that offers fuel savings of up to 30 percent. Series production is planned to start in 2012. The company also strives to make its entire production CO2-neutral, and has the world’s only CO2-neutral vehicle production facility, in Ghent, Belgium.  

January 20, 2010

For further information, please contact:
Marie Vassiliadis, Media Relations Europe, phone +46 31 322 41 27


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