SEK 16 M for research projects in Volvo Group

Research into the hybrid vehicles of the future and reduced emissions of carbon dioxide from timber transports are the subjects of two of the research projects to be granted support within the FFI research program. FFI is a joint research and innovation venture backed by the Swedish Government and the automotive industry.
Volvo Trucks was awarded SEK 5.3 M for cooperation with such companies as Mecel to develop electrical architecture for the hybrid vehicle of the future. Volvo Technology has received SEK 5.1 M for the “One more stack” project that aims to develop a modular system for forest transports in cooperation with Volvo Trucks and several other companies. By increasing the amount of timber per transport, fuel consumption is reduced, as is the total carbon-dioxide emission. At the same time, there are fewer vehicles on the road, which contributes to traffic safety.
In addition, Volvo Construction Equipment has been awarded SEK 5.5 M for a project on how to reduce the weight of vehicles using improved welding processes.
Strategic Automotive Research and Innovation (FFI) is a cooperative venture between the Swedish government (VINNOVA, the National Road Administration and the Swedish Energy Agency) and the automotive industry (Scania CV, AB Volvo, Volvo Cars, Saab Automobile and FKG) to jointly finance research, innovations and development activities in the areas of climate and the environment and safety. The venture has an annual turnover of SEK 1 billion, half of which comprises public funds. In 2009, 156 projects were financed.