Mexico City gets cleaner air and a certificate to Commute Greener by Volvo IT

An innovative approach by the Mexico City authorities made it possible for employees to change their commuting pattern and reduce their carbon footprint by up to 40%. Using Commute Greener, a web and mobile phone solution from Volvo IT, it is possible to significantly reduce congestion, lower CO2 emissions and create savings in terms of health, fuel costs and the environment. Five large organisations in the Mexico City administration were the first to use Commute Greener in Mexico. The authorities in Mexico City have now earned the first certificate of achievement given in the Americas.
Commute Greener
“It is very valuable to work together with Commute Greener” says Martha Delgado, Secretary of Environment in the government of Mexico City. She continues, “Our city has an ambitious Green Plan and transportation is one important area. The opportunity to both measure and reduce CO2 emissions makes Commute Greener! suitable for integration with our Environmental Management System.”

Per Gabell, president of Volvo de Mexico, will hand over the first certificate of achievement given in the Americas to Martha Delgado during a ceremony on 3 May. 

The Commute Greener solution is already being used successfully in other parts of the world. Mexico City has now proven that it is possible to influence personal awareness and generate measurable change in mega cities as well. With Commute Greener it is possible to put CO2 accountability information directly into the hands of individuals. Mexico City obtained very encouraging results with dedicated groups showing up to 40% CO2 reductions. This was made possible by using effective engagement methods, together with a governance structure and follow-up. On a yearly basis, the CO2 reductions could reach 75,000 tones for the defined segments.

“We must engage people to generate valuable results. It’s about more than improving the environment. It’s about improving society and our quality of life. We are expanding our focus beyond environmental care to include improving one’s health, securing more quality time, achieving fuel cost reductions, reducing congestion and enabling innovation in transportation systems,” says Magnus Kuschel, Managing Director of Commute Greener at Volvo IT.

The simple yet effective tool that is included with Commute Greener enables individuals and organisations to make environmentally conscious transportation choices. Broad access is ensured by including smart phones with GPS functions, as well as simple phones and web access. Together with social networking capabilities, this enhances overall value.

An increasing number of municipalities, authorities, businesses and individuals in different parts of the world are turning to Volvo IT for help with innovative solutions to promote commuting efficiency.

For Commute Greener images go to the Volvo Group Image Gallery and type “Commute Greener” in the search field.

For information about Commute Greener go to

Volvo IT corporate website

April 18, 2011

For more information contact:Jan Strandhede, Media relations manager, Volvo IT, Headquarters Sweden, Phone: +46-31-323-37-15, Email:


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