Since its introduction in 2005, Volvo Penta IPS has captured the engine rooms of former shaft and strut powered boats by offering a revolutionary power package that makes boats more maneuverable, fuel efficient, quieter, cleaner and easier to drive. And, Volvo Penta’s 2006 introduction of recreational boating’s first joystick control made boating a whole lot more fun.
“Volvo Penta IPS fundamentally changed the marine marketplace,” said Clint Moore, President and CEO of Volvo Penta of the Americas. “For the first time in my experience, consumers start the boat show buying experience at our booth, asking us which boat brands are available with Volvo Penta IPS. We also know from market research that over 71% of Volvo Penta IPS owners sought out a boat that was available with IPS during their boat shopping experience. For most boat builders and dealers, boats powered by Volvo Penta IPS represent incremental sales. Sixty four percent of IPS owners said that they were new to their boat brand and 60% were new to the selling dealer. And these customers will be repeat buyers as well: Volvo Penta IPS owners report significantly higher overall satisfaction and repurchase intensions for their Volvo Penta IPS package, boat brand and selling dealer than owners of cruisers with traditional inboard propulsion,” added Moore.
Volvo Penta’s 4000th IPS unit was delivered to KCS International for inclusion in its new 48 Cantius cruiser. “We at KCS International are honored to be the recipient of the 4000th Volvo Penta IPS,” said Russell M. Davis, Director of Marketing and Sales for KCS. “Volvo Penta IPS is used exclusively in our new Cruisers Yachts 48 Cantius, and is a major factor in the model’s on-going retail success. Other Cruisers Yachts models featuring IPS also retail at a pace that exceeds conventional drive systems,” added Davis. “We have been very pleased with the entire Volvo Penta team’s support through the years,” he concluded. “Volvo Penta is a true business partner.”
The North America success story is just one part of the worldwide Volvo Penta IPS momentum. Volvo Penta has delivered more than 16,000 IPS units to boat builders around the world, powering over 250 distinct boat models. In 2009, Volvo Penta unveiled the IPS 3 drive coupled to a 13 liter engine, effectively expanding the IPS powered boat line from 36 to 110 feet. “Volvo Penta has been, and will always be, the innovator in the marine marketplace. Our product development investments continue at a robust pace as we refine existing models and engineer new and exciting products designed for easy and carefree boating. We congratulate KCS International on the success of its Cantius line, and look forward to working with all of our boat builder customers on achieving success with the next 4000 Volvo Penta IPS units,” concluded Moore.