Volvo IT's Commute Greener appointed as this year's sustainable project

Volvo IT's web and mobile service for environmentally friendly commuting, Commute Greener, has been named the 2011 most environmentally friendly project by the CIO Magazine in Sweden.

Commute Greener serves as a personal CO2 calculator where you are encouraged to reduce your environmental impact by commuting to and from work. To increase motivation, the results can be published on Facebook and you can also form groups to, in a friendly way, challenge each other.

"By setting targets for reducing the carbon emissions, encouraging each individual is motivated to choose cleaner transports, such as bus, trains or bicycle. Those that are depending on the automobile for their transportation, can still reduce emissions by carpooling," says Magnus Kuschel, one of the initiators of the service, which is developed by Volvo IT.

It all started as an idea among some employees who wanted to develop an IT solution that helped to improve the environment. Commute Greener is used in cities such as Gothenburg, San Francisco and Mexico City. The results in Mexico City have created the conditions for integration of an environmental management system that includes 300 000 people.

For urban management in cities Commute Greener is very interesting as changing travel habits of residents gives  a direct effect in terms of better air, less congestion and higher utilization of public transports. One can also obtain a statistical basis for improved traffic management. At an individual level, there are economic benefits and a feeling of being able to contribute in a concrete way.

"Significant environmental effects can be achieved when economical and environmental objectives go hand in hand," concludes Magnus Kuschel.

The jury said:
This year's sustainable projects show how smart technology, properly used, can create changes in behavior. By pairing mobile solutions, social media and people's natural desire to both compete and do well, Commute Greener succeeds in affecting individuals' choice of transport modes, which has made an effective contribution to reducing carbon emissions in both Gothenburg (Sweden) and Mexico City.


Web pages:
Commute Greener: 
Youtube demo om Ride Share: Volvo IT:

Images. Please type Commute Greener in the search box:

For further information, please contact:
Jan Strandhede, Corporate Communications, tel +46 31 323 37 15,


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