In 2011, Volvo Penta used SCR technology to meet the Tier 4 Interim/Stage 3B emission standards. When the considerably tougher Tier 4 Final/Stage 4 standards are in force in 2014, the same technology will be used. The reason is to keep it simple for the OEMs, meaning no re-generation, limited installation challenges, continuous optimized fuel consumption and low operating costs.
The emission legislation introduced in North America and Europe 2011 (Tier 4 Interim/Stage 3B) forced all engine manufacturers to introduce after-treatment systems to deal with either NOx (nitrogen oxides) or PM (particulate matter). This, in turn, has put enormous demands on OEMs who need to re-design their machines to install the new engines and after-treatment systems.
Volvo Penta’s approach – keep it simple
Within a 3-year period, 2011-2014, the industry must go from Tier 4 Interim/Stage 3B to Tier 4 Final/Stage 4. This step changes the Nox from 2.0 g/kWh to 0.4 g/kWh, an 80% reduction. This will result in further changes to the engine and after-treatment systems on diesel engines that are to comply with the new regulations.
Volvo Penta’s strategy is to keep these changes as simple as possible. In January, 2011, Volvo Penta introduced an engine range compliant with Tier 4 Interim/Stage 3B based on SCR technology (Selective Catalytic Reduction). This range featured optimized fuel consumption, identical cooling-package size and no need for re-generation. In 2014, Volvo Penta will achieve the same objectives again, meaning limited installation challenges for OEMs and low operating costs.
Engine range evolution
The new, evolved Volvo Penta engines for off-road applications will be ready for delivery to OEMs in 2014, but already at the Intermat exhibition in Paris, in April, 2012, they will be on display.
The range consists of five, newly developed basic engines, whereof two are completely new designs, all manufactured by Volvo, for Volvo. One particular detail is the common design concept, meaning that the different parts of the engines are identically located on the engine body. This component commonality is valuable in many aspects, particularly for OEMs who include several engine sizes in their product applications.
The new engine designs are based on today’s SCR engines. Thanks to the construction of the SCR system, it has been possible to meet the Tier 4 Final/Stage 4 emission standards with a limited number of technical changes.
The following five Volvo Penta diesel engines will be ready for the OEM’s drawing-boards in 2012 and ready for delivery in 2014:
5 litres
The TAD57XVE, a 4-cylinder, 105-160 kW engine with a max torque of 900 Nm.
8 litres
The TAD87XVE, a 6-cylinder, 160-235 kW engine with a max torque of 1,300 Nm.
11 litres
The TAD117XVE, a 6-cylinder, 235-295 kW engine with a max torque of 1,950 Nm.
13 litres
The TAD137XVE, a 6-cylinder, 295-405 kW engine with a max torque of 2,650 Nm.
16 litres
The TAD167XVE, a 6-cylinder, 405-500 kW engine with a max torque of 3,200 Nm.
For meeting the 2014 Tier 4 Final/Stage 4 emission standards, Volvo Penta will also introduce a powerful bi-fuel engine. Fueled by a precision blend of natural gas and diesel fuel and primarily targeted for applications in oil and gas exploration markets:
16 litres
The TWG1663GE, a 6-cylinder, 60 Hz/1800 rpm (with fan) engine. Prime power: 595 kWm/559 kWe/699 kVa. Standby: 654 kWm/615 kWe/768 kVa. Generator efficiency: 94%.
All engine data is preliminary.
High res picture>>
Intermat 2012
As mentioned above, these engines will be further presented at the Intermat exhibition in Paris, in April, 2012. OEMs and operators are welcome to view and discuss the engines that will be on display.
For further information, please contact Åke Edman, AB Volvo Penta:
phone: +46 (0) 31 322 51 90, e-mail: