AB Volvo to finance studies at Chalmers University of Technology for young people from India and China

To secure its competence sourcing, AB Volvo is entering into a new partnership with selected universities in such countries as China, France and Sweden. The initiative in Sweden encompasses a scholarship program, among other aspects. Every year, AB Volvo will pay for tuition at Chalmers University of Technology for four new Master’s students from China and India.
The scholarships from AB Volvo will cover tuition fees for a two-year Master’s program in automotive engineering, electric power engineering, computer systems and networks or software engineering. In addition to financial support, AB Volvo will maintain close contact with the students during their time at Chalmers University of Technology by, for example, offering summer internships, thesis work and mentorship.

“The Volvo Group has operations in 190 countries. We must be able to recruit skilled employees from diverse backgrounds. Furthermore, we want to contribute to an international academic environment, which we believe benefits everyone,” says Kerstin Renard, Executive Vice President Corporate HR at AB Volvo.

The scholarships are part of the Group’s Academic Partner Program, which is an overriding program for partnerships with universities and colleges in terms of research and recruitment. Within the framework of this program, AB Volvo is now appointing Preferred Talent Partners among leading universities worldwide. AB Volvo already has agreements with the Chinese universities of Tsinghua and Tongji, and with EMLYON and INSA Lyon in France. The agreement with Chalmers University of Technology was signed at a ceremony at Chalmers on May 4. Chalmers and Volvo already have a corresponding agreement for research collaboration.

“By establishing a long-term partnership with renowned universities, we will become even more proficient at identifying and attracting promising talents. In 2012, we will offer internships, work on a network of ambassadors and hold discussions with students,” says Kerstin Renard.

May 4, 2012

Journalists who want additional information, please contact:
Kina Wileke, Media Relations & Corporate News, tel: +46 31 66 12 32.

For more stories from the Volvo Group, please visit http://www.volvogroup.com/globalnews.


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