The new agreement applies to the delivery of more than 100 16-liter diesel engines per year. They will be fitted into such specially built, rapid-deployment vehicles as the Panther, which is used at airports worldwide.
“For this area of application, we have certified an industrial engine to comply with the Euro 5 emissions standard, jointly with Rosenbauer. The format for emission requirements varies in different parts of the world; using our solution, we will have the same base engine and still meet these differing regulations,” says Miron Thoms, Business Development Manager at Volvo Penta.
The cooperation also expanded to include conventional fire-fighting vehicles. In the past, Rosenbauer has built fire-fighting trucks based on standard chassis from Volvo Trucks. The Volvo Group is now offering chassis that are designed already in production to adapt to Rosenbauer’s expansions.
15 May, 2012
Reporters who want more information, please contact Miron Thoms, +46 31 323 4596 or +46 76 553 4596.
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