Volvo Penta’s new Interceptor System makes boat trimming simpler – and driving safer
Volvo Penta
With the explicit purpose of designing a new, more efficient – but also robust – leisure boat trim system that enhances safety and comfort, Volvo Penta made its starting point in large, marine commercial vessel applications. The result was a trim system with a whole new design and unique properties.
Making things easier for the boat driver and, at the same time, enhancing on-board safety and comfort are fundamental objectives for Volvo Penta. In this context, an efficient and easy-to-handle boat trim system is a given element. It will help both beginners and experienced drivers make every trip more pleasant and less stressful – fully in line with Volvo Penta’s Easy Boating concept.
The Interceptor System – or just “IS” The Volvo Penta Interceptor System is a fully electrical system (no hydraulics) with powerful servos that is integrated in Volvo Penta’s electronic platform, EVC (Electronic Vessel Control). The trim blades generate lift and drag that translates into moments on the boat in all three axis depending on action. That means that the boat’s attitude can be adjusted in all directions.
Focus on safety and comfort The first effect of unique performance of the IS becomes apparent in the acceleration phase and when the boat is about to plane. At the start of the acceleration, the bow of the boat is lower compared with boats with traditional trim systems. But it doesn’t end there. When the boat with a traditional trim system must reach 30-35 knots to start planing, the IS-equipped boat planes already at 20-25 knots. All in all, this means greatly improved forward view during the whole phase – but also a considerable shorter acceleration/planing phase with reduced forward visibility.
In sharp turns, the improvement in side visibility – compared with boats with traditional trim systems – is even more impressive. When the “IS boat” has a more upright position in the turns, the sight distance and sector of visibility are significantly improved. In a typical case, the boat without IS has a sight distance of about 30 m and a visibility sector of about 300 m
2, the boat with IS has a sight distance of about 300 m and a sector of visibility of about 5,100 m
2, which is an obvious difference.
The effect that this has on on-board comfort is easy to understand. Even when accelerating and in sharp turns, and at all speeds, people on board stand up without having to hold on the interior.
Designed for automatic mode Another basic idea with the new trim system was the easy handling. Fully in line with Volvo Penta’s Easy Boating concept, all boat drivers should feel at ease using the IS. Therefore, it is designed primarily for automatic use – but, naturally, with the possibility of manual override.
To use the IS, you don’t have to know anything about trimming, just what buttons to push. The interceptor system is integrated in the EVC platform which makes it extremely easy to handle; just push the Trim assist button on the engine control. This activates automatic mode, and your boat’s attitude is always optimized thanks to the advanced control system.
However, if you prefer to trim manually, you just leave auto mode and use the trim buttons on the control to trim according to your own preferences.
Save fuel! A major effect of the IS – and boat trimming in general – is the improved fuel efficiency. With IS in automatic mode, fuel efficiency is always optimized – irrespective of the conditions.
Compact, self-cleaning design The Volvo Penta Interceptor System has a super-compact design. This increases the boat builders’ freedom when designing a boat with the IS. The interceptor blades are always applied in even pairs – two or four.
The IS is totally maintenance free. The blades have a self-cleaning function, which activates automatically once every 24 hours to minimize marine growth. And since the interceptor blades are made of plastic and will not drive current, the IS has no need for protective anodes that have to be replaced regularly.
For 40-foot and larger yachts The IS is primarily designed for larger vessels, such as 40-foot and larger yachts. It can be applied on Volvo Penta IPS, Volvo Penta DPH with electronic steering and Volvo Penta Inboard applications.
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Interceptor System - High resolution image 2
For further information, please contact Ann-Charlotte Emegård, phone: +46 31 323 42 19, E-mail: