New number of votes in AB Volvo

The number of votes in AB Volvo has changed due to the conversion of a total of 941,400 Series A shares to a total of 941,400 Series B shares. The conversions were implemented with the support of the opportunity for Series A shareholders to request conversion of Series A shares to Series B shares, which was entered in the Articles of Association at the 2011 Annual General Meeting.
Today, June 30, the last trading day of the month, there are a total of 2,128,420,220 registered shares in AB Volvo. Of these 513,115,548 are Series A shares and 1,615,304,672 Series B shares. The number of votes in the company amounts to 674,646,015,20 based on the number of registered shares.

Reporters who want more information, please contact Karin Wik, +46 31 323 72 29.


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