The Volvo Group receives Statement of objections from the European Commission regarding on-going antitrust investigation

The Volvo Group has on November 20, 2014 received a Statement of objections from the European Commission, stating the Commission’s preliminary view that Volvo and other companies in the truck industry may have breached EU antitrust rules. The Statement of objections does not prejudice the final outcome of the Commission proceedings. Volvo is now evaluating the implications of the Statement of objections.
In January 2011, the Volvo Group and a number of other companies in the truck industry became part of an investigation by the European Commission regarding a possible violation of EU antitrust rules. The Volvo Group is cooperating fully with the authorities and has previously announced that it is of the view that it is probable that the Group’s financial result and cash flow may be materially adversely affected as a result of the Commission’s investigation.

The Statement of objections is a formal step in the Commission’s antitrust investigations, informing the parties concerned in writing of the Commission’s preliminary standpoint. Subsequent to the Statement of objections the parties may examine the documents in the Commission's investigation file and provide a response, before the Commission takes a decision on the matter. Volvo is now evaluating the implications of the Statement of objections and will issue a response in due course.

Journalists who require further information are requested to please contact Kina Wileke, +46 (0)31-323 7229 or +46 (0) 765-537229.


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