Volvo Group – the fourth quarter and full year 2015

2015 was a year of largely unchanged volumes, with the exception of construction equipment, where demand declined considerably. Our profitability improved with the operating margin excluding restructuring charges going from 3.0% in 2014 to 8.2% in 2015. This was thanks to cost reductions, but was also helped by positive currency development and capital gains from selling shares.
Interim report

• In the fourth quarter net sales increased by 3% to SEK 79.6 billion (77.5). Adjusted for currency movements and acquired and divested units sales decreased by 1%.

• Operating income amounted to SEK 5,382 M (-1,429) excluding restructuring charges of SEK 871 M (830). Currency movements had a positive impact of SEK 1,201 M.

• Operating income includes a positive impact from an arbitration case of SEK 809 M. The fourth quarter of 2014 was negatively impacted by provisions of SEK 3,790 M relating to the EU antitrust case and SEK 660 M for credit losses in China. Adjusted for these three items operating income excluding restructuring charges amounted to SEK 4,573 M (3,021) corresponding to an operating margin of 5.7% (3.9).

• Operating cash flow in the Industrial Operations amounted to SEK 14.7 billion (10.6).


• For the full year 2015 net sales increased by 10% to SEK 312.5 billion (282.9).

• Operating income amounted to SEK 25,652 M (8,393) excluding restructuring charges of SEK 2,333 M (2,569).

• The operating margin excluding restructuring charges amounted to 8.2% (3.0).

• Operating cash flow in the Industrial Operations amounted to SEK 18.3 billion (6.4).

• The Board of Directors’ proposes a dividend of SEK 3.00 per share (3.00)

For a PDF version of the report, please click here: Volvo Group Q4 2015 PDF

For image download click here.

Press and Analyst Conference. An on-line presentation of the report, followed by a question-and-answer session will be webcast starting at 9.00 CET. More information under Interim Reports on 

Contacts Investor Relations:
Christer Johansson, +46 31 66 13 34
Anders Christensson, +46 31 66 11 91
Anna Sikström + 46 31-66 13 36
John Hartwell +1 201 252 8844


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