Johanna Flanke awarded with a Special Employer Branding prize

Johanna Flanke, an HR manager at the Volvo Group in Sweden, has been awarded this year’s special employer branding prize by the survey company Universum. She received the award because she is a major source of inspiration for everyone in the industry.
Johanna Flanke

This is the second time that Johanna Flanke has been awarded a prize by Universum. 2014 she received the HR manager of the year award and this year the company’s special prize.

“Employer branding is all about managing and developing the Volvo Group both now and in the future. The best investment we can make is to ensure that we are attractive to prospective employees. This shows that we take all the issues relating to the long-term supply of skilled staff very seriously,” Johanna Flanke, says.

“This prize acknowledges the fact that we are an attractive employer and shows that we are on the right track,” says Kerstin Renard the Volvo Group’s HR director.

The jury’s nomination is as follows:
“The prize is awarded to a person who stands out because of her interest in and knowledge of employer branding and who has raised awareness of the subject not only within her own company, but within the industry as a whole. The award-winner is dedicated to making progress in this area in an industry where there is a serious shortage of engineers. On the basis of the company’s corporate objectives, a clearly defined plan for each employee, an active feedback culture and skills development, she helps talented people to grow within the organisation and to become good ambassadors who will attract both recent graduates and experienced professionals to the company.”

Journalists who would like additional information, please contact Kina Wileke at +46 (0)31 323 7229 or +46 (0)76 553 7229.


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