Jan Ohlsson appointed member of Volvo’s Group Executive Board

Jan Ohlsson has been appointed a member of Volvo’s Group Executive Board and Executive Vice President Group Trucks Operations, Volvo Group’s global truck manufacturing organization. Jan Ohlsson currently already serves as the Acting Head of Group Trucks Operations.
Jan Ohlsson

Jan Ohlsson, born in 1953, has worked at the Volvo Group since 1979. He has held a number of different roles in the Group’s truck manufacturing operations, with experience from manufacturing in Europe, North and South America and Japan. He has worked as the manager of the Tuve factory in Gothenburg and as the head of Powertrain Production and Global Trucks Manufacturing. Jan Ohlsson will take office on June 1, 2016.

Journalists who would like additional information, please contact Kina Wileke on +46 (0)31 323 7229 or +46 (0)765 537229.


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