Think global act local with Volvo Group Seasonal Gift

To think global and act local is to consider the wellbeing of the entire planet but to take action in own communities and cities. Volvo Group seasonal gift is a chance for the Volvo Group markets and its employees to act.
Iron Women

On behalf of all employees Volvo Group gives yearly donations to the markets for use in various societal projects. The gift is engaging employees all around the world to drive prosperity.

Carmen Seixas is the one holding everything together in this year process.

“In the past the seasonal gift was a donation for charitable purposes to global projects through a donation to international Non-governmental Organizations, like WWF and Oxfam”, she explains. “But since 2016 it has been utilized to contribute to societal initiatives close to the markets and the surrounding communities”.

The purpose of the Seasonal Gift is to make a difference in the local communities, close to markets and employees. This is a way to support societal causes by being a good corporate citizen and drive prosperity in practice.

I think it is important to be a good corporate citizen and support the society

To get the donation, the country management team for a Volvo Group market has to send an application of a local societal initiative they want to support. A committee will select a number of markets and the selected markets will be granted funds for their proposed project. The selected markets are expected to report back on their projects progress to be used as best practice and create even more engagement within the Volvo Group.

“There are so many good initiatives out there. For example we have Stop-Look-Wave, a traffic safety campaign for children. And we have a driver training for women in South America called Iron Women”, says Carmen. “I think it is important to be a good corporate citizen and support the society. The seasonal gift makes me proud as a Volvo Group employee”.

Read stories about some of the local initiatives funded by Seasonal Gift here

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