Full speed ahead with innovation

Speeding up innovation is more important than ever for the Volvo Group and MobilityXlab is an innovation partnership aimed to do just that. Johan Lunden at Volvo Group is Chairman of MobilityXlab.
Full speed ahead with innovation

MobilityXlab is a partnership run by global transport and mobility companies: Volvo Group, CEVT, Ericsson, Veoneer, Volvo Cars and Zenseact (formerly known as Zenuity). What is MobilityXlab about?
It’s a platform where large, global companies such as Volvo Group collaborate with startups with edge tech competence to accelerate innovation. MobilityXlab launched in 2017 and the first three years has surpassed all our expectations. Together, we have attracted more than 250 startups from 36 countries with 83% of the selected startups collaborating with two or more of the partners engaged. In Volvo Group we aim to increase our engagements with the right startups even more going forward, to help us to accelerate innovation towards our wanted position in 2030.  

What are the main benefits of MobilityXlab?
We can be more efficient and more successful in our technology scouting and startup engagements. When we approach the innovation community together with five other global companies we are a very attractive collaboration partner. MobilityXlab puts the very best mobility and connectivity startups from around the world in front of its partners and then we analyse and select the most attractive candidates together.

Any successes for Volvo Group so far?
Yes, there are quite a few actually. One example is Annotell, a company that has a tool for annotating training data for machine learning, this was an early success for MobilityXlab. More recently the Volvo Group has collaborated with Univrses, a company that develops algorithms for computer vision and machine learning. We have also had successful engagements with Ekkono, which focuses on software for range and health prediction of our EV batteries and ZeroKey, specialized in real-time precision tracking in factories. Several of the companies we have engaged with have later continued working with us in our own innovation hub CampX.

MobilityXlab recently handed out the Future Mobility Award for the first time. What is that?
It’s an award that recognizes outstanding achievements by startups working towards transforming the mobility and transportation industry all over the world. It will make MobilityXlab more visible throughout the innovation community and thereby we can attract the right collaboration partners.

Learn more about MobilityXlab
Learn more about CampX
Learn more about Volvo Group Connected Solutions Innovations Lab

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