Garbage to the moon

The people on Earth produce 2096 million tonnes of garbage every year, and after just a few days without refuse collection all the world’s cities would soon be inundated with rubbish and dirt. Top-class vehicles are needed to handle all these tonnes of refuse every day.

Volvo Group has several different kinds of trucks that are designed for refuse collection, and in the USA, Mack Trucks has almost half the market for refuse vehicles.

Every day, Mack trucks collect tonnes of refuse all over the USA. The demands imposed on these trucks are rigorous. They have to get through in every situation and they must not break down.  It wouldn’t take long for cities and suburban areas to become inundated by waste, should the garbage collection stop.

The Mack refuse trucks collect 2 million tonnes of garbage every week in the USA.

Is the number hard to grasp?
Try this: With the garbage that Mack Trucks garbage vehicles transport every week in the USA, it would be possible to build a column of filled garbage cans and reach all the way to the moon.