Urban October: Volvo Group’s contribution towards more sustainable cities

Volvo Group is excited to join the discussion around Future Cities and Towns and how we can make our world a better place today, and for future generations, during Urban October. Urban October (#UrbanOctober) is promoted by the United Nations as an opportunity for people and organizations to join the conversation around the challenges and opportunities the changes in how we live, and move, will offer us as a society in the coming years. It runs from World Habitat Day on Monday, October 3rd, to World Cities Day on October 31st.
Urban October

Electric trucks and electric buses make a difference 

Whether it is our electric buses, providing public and private transport solutions in towns and cities across the world, or our new electric heavy-duty trucks, ensuring that the goods get delivered to supermarkets, factories and distribution points, we are increasingly aware of how we can help shape the world we want to live in. We are also actively testing Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle (HFCEV) propulsion systems for our broad range of transport, mobility and construction applications.

Transport and logistics companies across the world are in the process of making the transition to electric trucks and buses. And Volvo Group is the first global manufacturer to make both electric trucks and buses, while we are also pioneering electric construction equipment, as you can learn more about here. Our Volvo Penta brand is also developing both electric drivetrains for fire trucks and hybrid systems for use at sea.

Electric construction equipment

The benefits of electrifying construction equipment become obvious when you consider the potential for road and infrastructure repairs that can be carried out during the nighttime, while the city sleeps. Not only will this help to reduce congestion and lower emissions, but it will also improve safety for municipal employees who work on our roads. The same goes for essential city services such as garbage collection and other street cleaning services.

Volvo Group is making a difference already today with the sale of electric trucks, buses and construction equipment. We are always looking further ahead at how we can help to shape the towns and cities of the future by providing the products and services that will make modern life easier, cleaner, quieter, and safer.

You can read more about our approach to safety, sustainability and social responsibility on our Group pages, or via our brand websites, or follow us on social media to follow our progress during #UrbanOctober.

Read more: Six green city solutions in Gothenburg

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