Sweden-India online Mobility Hack

The Swedish Institute, in cooperation with the Embassy of Sweden New Delhi, the Volvo Group, IKEA, Ericsson One and other organisations, was hosting a 42-hour digital hackathon called the Sweden-India Mobility Hack on the topic of “Changing the Way We Move”.
Sweden-India online Mobility Hack

Hackers and mentors spend their weekend trying to solve the challenges of mobility. Volvo Group hosted the category “Sustainable future by Volvo” and was presenting the winner to the challenge The key to a sustainable future at the winning ceremony with the jury motivation; The solution targets the heart of the sustainable transportation challenge.

By combining electrified transportation with an infrastructure system approach, aiming to bring value to the users as well as the society. The team has also developed both hands -on simulations as well as visual mock-ups of the future solutions which made us in the jury curious to learn more about the team and the solution.

Of the 500 hackers and mentors that joined the Mobility Hack, over 100 was from Volvo Group. “This really shows Volvo’s engagement, said Emily Xu from Volvo Group Connected Solutions, that took part in the hackathon. “We had three winning teams from Volvo Group in three different categories, that is something to celebrate. Well done!”

Next step is for the teams and the hackathon organizers to follow through the idea to action.

The Volvo Group winning teams:

Challenge “Safety by Objects” in category Leathal road accidents by Altair. Team Pedestrian Safety with solution Pedestrian road cross assist system 

The team: Harshad Sawant, Venugopal K G, Jeffrin Samuel, Vamika Aggarwal

Challenge “VIP Truck drivers” in category Safe Transport by IKEA. Team The Innovators with solutipon Accidnet Predirector 

 The team: Krishna Kumar, Santosh Shet, Stanly Chacko, Venkat Balasubramanian

Challenge “Its in the air” in category Emissions in traffic by Google  Team Planer Saviours with solution ” Smart CO2 calculator for smart vehicles 

The team:  Shalini S, Kashika W, Jaimin Desai, Darshan Vithlani

Winner of the Volvo Group category:

Challenge “The key to sustainable future” in category Sustainable future by Volvo. Team Energy for society with solution Super fast Modular Charge 

Do you want to know more about the hackathon and the winning teams click on the link below.

The winners of the Sweden India Mobility Hack