Working at Volvo Group

Volvo Group Culture and Values

We have high ambitions as a company, based on a high performance culture. Our culture is described by a set of five carefully chosen values. They serve as a guide to our day to day behavior. They shape how we interact with each other, with our customers and with society as a whole. They drive our decisions at all levels of the organization.

Our values express our shared beliefs across regions and entities and create the base for high performance through high employee engagement. We value: Customer success, Trust, Passion, Change and Performance.


Read more about our values

Customer success

We make our customers win.


We trust each other.


We have passion for what we do.


We change to stay ahead.


We are profitable to shape our future.

Five reasons to join Volvo Group

    Striking the right balance between well-being and motivation

    Volvo Group is made up of a palette of unique individuals, each with their own interests, motivations, and life stories. They are passionate about what they do, at work and outside work. Based on our value of trust and our belief that we are at our best when we can be our whole true self at work, we offer an environment where everyone can find a healthy work life balance that works for them.


    Everyone’s work life balance equation is different

    That is why we believe that in addition to company programs, a good communication and a trusting relationship with one’s manager is the base to find the right work life balance that accommodates all the needs of each individual. 
    Creating a healthy work culture starts with the basics – respecting people’s free time. This translates into behavioral agreements that some teams decide together to suit their needs and preferences in a highly connected world – for instance not sending out emails over the weekend.

    Flexible work arrangements come in many shapes

    Our benefits programs are many and very diverse across our different entities and hundreds of sites. Depending on where they work, our employees may benefit from flexible working hours, parental, study or sabbatical leave, paid time off on specific occasions, special training or support needed to complete a job. Our company policies on matters such as home working align to the needs of our business operations, the location of our premises or even the country legislation and always strive to optimize our employees’ time and reduce our footprint from commuting. 
    Services available on our campuses are also specific to each location. They include health, sport coaching or organic food markets in one place, child care or concierge office in another. Our flexible work arrangement aim to make the day to day routine of our employees easier so they can get more out of life.

    The promise that we should give to each other is that the main priority regardless of what we are doing, is putting everything we can do in focus to bring colleagues and partners in our operation home safely to their families and friends. Because that is being a great company.

    Employee safety

    At Volvo Group, we never compromise on workplace safety and we always avoid any behavior that puts employee safety at risk. All our operations are governed by safety standards. We work with proven methods that strengthen our teams, in pursuit of a zero-accident rate. Everyone in our organization has the right and responsibility to raise issues that improve workplace safety – it is a key element of employee wellbeing.

    Our injury rate statistics are generally falling. Each year, there are around 30 factories without accidents. All our brands and business areas have accident and injury improvement targets. Until we reach a zero-accident rate, there is always more to be done to improve employee wellbeing.

    Mental health

    Mental health needs attention and awareness. We believe that the cornerstones of healthy workplaces are clear roles and expectations, enough time to carry out tasks, appropriate work environments, and support. 

    According to the World Health Organization, one out of four people suffer from a mental health issue today, which includes overstress, depression, burnout and suicide. At Volvo Group, we offer a wide range of support measures in order to identify warning signs and prevent factors leading to excessive stress – from apps and training videos to face-to-face sessions with psychologists and occupational therapists. Improved mental health at work leads to higher performance, trust between individuals and within teams, and high engagement.

    Diversity and Inclusion

    We are passionate about diversity at Volvo Group! Seriously, when we speak about passion as a core value, we talk about how Volvo's diverse and inclusive work environment ignites our passion. 

    We want you to be yourself

    We create an environment where you can bring your true unique self to work every day. Because we know when each one of us gives our whole selves, we all receive more. We boost our performance with better decision making and cutting-edge innovation. We are better at listening to and connecting with our diverse customer base.​

    In order to continuously move the needle on diversity and inclusion, we provide leaders and employees the chance to master inclusive skills. We work to combat unconscious bias impacts and we implement strategies to increase our diversity, to truly reflect the diverse world we operate in.

    Around 140 nationalities working with us

    More than 100,000 employees

    Customers in more than 190 markets

    Gender distribution across Volvo Group

    Gender distribution across Volvo Group

    Meet women who work at Volvo Group and discover what drives them in their careers in technology, engineering and more.

    All Our Cultures​

    We draw our strength from our wealth of diversity: close to 140 nationalities across 190 nations working together. Different customs, different religions, different ethnic backgrounds. As a global player, we pick up the weak signals of new trends faster thanks to our diverse networks. Tremendous energy, commitment and passion come with our diverse perspectives. They are essential to making smart decisions and ultimately making our company purpose come true. ​

    Women & Men​​

    Consciously or unconsciously, gender defines how we see ourselves and each other. We want a gender-balanced culture, where grace and strength live side by side. We want a mix of women and men and non-binary people working together at all levels of the company. We encourage flexibility so working men can manage their home responsibilities, just as women do. We create equitable leadership development opportunities and strive for 35-50% of each gender in all our teams.​

    Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity​​

    Among European industrial technology companies, we are a pioneer. Our global V-EAGLE LGBTQ+ network was the first established in our sector 15 years ago. We are proud and bold about our inclusion of lesbian, gay, bi, queer, trans, intersex, (+) and straight employees. In the US we launched same sex-couple recognition and equitable benefits before any legal status was available. We know that work life and personal life have more and more intersections, and we need to all be free to share who we are both in and out of work.​


    Diverse Abilities​​

    The difference between disabilities and diverse abilities is mindset. A growth mindset means we value our unique abilities and that diversity creates a tightly knit cooperative team where each person contributes to the collective in their unique way. We have a long history of including unique and diverse abilities in our operations, especially in key markets, and we are working to increase focus in this area globally. Our latest employee network was launched in Sweden to support Diverse Abilities.​


    We have an amazing opportunity to draw ideas and viewpoints from more generations than was ever possible before in the workplace. Today 5 generations work side by side in Volvo Group. We learn from other people’s long experience, and we learn from other people’s fresh perspective. Our Early Career Networks help us promote intergenerational connections and understanding. We value generational diversity so much we even have a target of a 20 year age spread in each team between youngest to eldest member. ​

    Employee Inclusion Networks​

    We channel our passion for inclusion into our employee networks. These resource groups give a voice to key diversity threads and engage the majority as allies to build a more inclusive Volvo Group. We have networks across the globe supporting: Women and Gender balance, Generational, LGBTQ+, and Multicultural inclusion as well as Diverse Abilities. Our networks interact with leaders and employees to deepen understanding of these key topics.

    The world needs more women in tech!

    #tecHER is a growing community of people who strive to foster increasing diversity through sharing stories and experiences, networking and mentoring. We organize a digital forum and get-togethers aimed at encouraging a more level playing field for everyonewho wishes to build a career in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) disciplines. Sign up now!  


    Subscribe to the #tecHER Newsletter

    Do you dream big?

    We do too, and will help you reach your career development goals. When joining Volvo Group, more than a job you get a career and the freedom to be who you want to be. We know that being able to develop ignites people’s passion and therefore learning is part of our culture in all career stages and we let growth come in many shapes. ​

    Opportunities for personal and professional development

    Our employees are what makes us an industry leader today and the shaper of tomorrow’s society. Your desire to grow and take on new responsibilities is something we value and want to cultivate. Your passions and your career development at Volvo Group is important to us.

    Career development

    A central part of your career development will be your own personal development plan. It is designed to help you excel and make sure your aspirations and personal goals are met. Your Volvo career development will be continuously backed up by regular feedback and dialogue on your performance. In addition to all this, we also offer structured career paths for leaders, project managers, engineers, and specialists.



    While you are in the driver seat of your own career, we support your ambition through state-of-the-art trainings offered by our own Volvo Group University. And not only that – Volvo career opportunities also include shadowing, reverse mentoring, individual coaching, and networking.

    Volvo Group University

    To balance today's competence needs with future demands to support business change we have our very own Corporate University. Volvo Group University is the Volvo training center for learning and competence development. It develops, designs and provides training and learning experiences well rooted in today’s and future business needs, and prepares us for what is around the corner. Our university is an expert on adult learning and makes sure you get quality assured training. It is among the best corporate universities in the industry. This puts Volvo Group in the forefront and helps us keep our competitive advantage. 

    A culture of learning

    At Volvo Group you will be part of a global learning culture that unlocks the potential of each and every one of us. This is where you can learn faster than the world around is changing, so be prepared to learn and develop every day. 

    Every year Volvo Group allocates approximately half a million training days to our employees and retail organizations worldwide. Our people truly are our greatest asset, and we love to see you grow. Therefore Volvo Group supports all aspects of your learning and career development. 

    Learn more about Volvo Group University

    I am convinced that people who take responsibility grow and flourish when they are free to act – and that they should be given this freedom. This gives us the greatest potential to create value and achieve results. As a company. As a team. As professionals and individuals.

    Compensation and benefits

    There are many benefits to working in the Volvo Group. Besides the competitive levels of salary, compensation and specific benefits, you will work in a value-driven company where your voice is heard and your ideas matter. 

    Our benefits program

    Your job is just one part of your every day life. Our benefits program is designed to support you, wherever you are in your life journey.

    A solid benefits package

    We help protect our employees against certain risks at different stages in their lives. Country-specific benefit packages are offered in relation to the respective market and legal practices in each country. 

    Get the right support to achieve your goals

    While you are in the driver seat of your own career, we support your ambition through state-of-the-art trainings offered by our own internal university. And not only that – Volvo career opportunities also include shadowing, reverse mentoring, individual coaching, and networking.

    A competitive base salary

    We believe in fair pay for good work. You will receive a competitive base wage, with a clear road ahead for increasing your salary even more. Your gross base salary is the foundation, and we monitor our competitiveness and adjust wages accordingly in all countries.

    More than a job, you get a career

    We can offer you a whole world of Volvo career opportunities to explore across our 13 brands, the 190 markets we operate in, and across different functions and roles. In 2019 alone, we offered some 10,000 open positions that our employees could apply for. 

    Rewarding you on the basis on your performance

    Based on your work and deliveries, you will receive ‘Pay for performance’. You will be rewarded on the basis of your performance and contribution.


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